AKC Reunite Disaster Relief Trailer 2015

In 2015 Rogue Valley Kennel Club raised the funds to purchase an AKC Reunite Pet Disaster Relief Trailer to give to Josephine County. Karen Bodeving of RVKC, was the Fundraising Chairperson who led the campaign and John McLaughlin was RVKC President. RVKC raised the funds quickly with theĀ full support of the community.

The new AKC Reunite Disaster Relief Trailer is presented to Josephine County

Rogue Valley Kennel Club members are present to give the new AKC Reunite Disaster Relief Trailer to Josephine County.




Included in the contents are crates to house up to 65 dogs and cats, as well as essential, nonperishable necessities for sheltering pets when and where needed to local emergency management. The trailer provides temporary animal care facilities during the first critical hours following a disaster, before FEMA support and services can be deployed. It has everything from microchips and wristbands and check in materials to link owners and their pets, to crates, pooper-scoopers and cleaning supplies to secure them in a safe and comfortable and clean environment.


Mark Aguirre
AKC Reunite
Breda Barragan
Robin A Bettencourt, PC
Janet Biagini
Black Bar Lodge, John & Vanessa James
Paul and Karen Bodeving
Thomas & Viola Brown
Debra Burdette
Cedarview Veterinary Clinic
Elaine Clark
Anne & Orville Clay
AK Covey
Ron and Barbara Dickson
Patricia Doornbos
Jason & Dani Duby
Theresa Dugas
Bruce G Eastman
John & Pat Etchells
Jefferson State Financial Group
German Wirehair Pointer Club of America
John & Vanessa James
Virginia James
Jeannet Montgomery’s Cave Junction Liquor Store
Jody’s you Dirty Dog LLC
Janette Laubhan
James & Sandy Mazuerk
Janet L Meyer
Laurie & William Morrow
Marsha Nilles
Michelle O’Brien
Misc Individual Donors throughout the Community
Oregon Swiss Precision Inc
Oregon Veterinary Services
Pacific Veterinary Clinic
Carolyn Pearson
Pembroke Welch Corgi Club of America
Lucille Perry
Jim and Katie Polk
Janet Quintens
Myrna Rafalovich
Steven Reynolds
Susan M Riegel Williams
Sara R Robinson Glasser
Roe Motors, Ross & Steve Roe
Rogue Valley Kennel Club
Anita Savio
Melanie Seepol
Alvin Spears
Triple A RV Center, Jerry & Sharon Weston and Tami Lewis
Carolyn Underhill
Stan Wolfe
Richard Young