The September RVKC meeting is Wednesday, September 11th at 6:00PM at the Fruitdale Grange 1440 Parkdale Drive, Grants Pass.
Deputy Bayardfrom the Josephine County Sheriff’s Department K-9 Division will be the featured speaker.
Who we are:
We protect and advance the interests of all purebred dogs.
We conduct dog shows, and other AKC events.
We support the Canine Ambassador program in schools.
We promote public education in the proper care of all dogs.
We promote good sportsmanship and obedience training.
We conduct annual Canine Good Citizen classes and test.
We welcome mixed breed dogs and their owners to participate in our club and activities. We promote fair dog legislation for ALL dogs. We are a non-profit club.
RVKC Meetings
Monthly on the second Wednesday at 6:00pm at Fruitdale Grange 1440 Parkdale Drive, GP. Informative programs. Public welcome!
The only authorized and maintained web presences of the Rogue Valley Kennel Club are and the ‘Rogue Valley Kennel Club’ page on Facebook.