2019 Rogue Valley Kennel Club Speaks
Monthly Column in the Grants Pass Daily Courier

 ***** March 2019 *****
Rogue Valley Kennel Club Speaks

Canine Ambassadors

Children and dogs go together like peanut butter and jelly. But not every child knows how to be safe around a dog, even when that dog is the family pet. RVKC offers a free children’s educational program that builds on a child’s natural love of dogs and explores the concept of responsibility by discussing the realities involved in owning a dog.

RVKC’s Canine Ambassadors have been educating school children throughout Josephine County on dog safety and ownership for nearly 20 years. Our team of dedicated volunteers speaks to students in area schools, with 45- to 60-minute programs using well-trained, certified dogs to teach children how to safely approach and interact with dogs.

The risk of a child being bitten by a dog can be reduced by more than 80 percent with only one hour of instruction on how to safely approach a dog and what to do in case an unfriendly dog approaches the child


RVKC’s General Meeting
Wednesday, March 13 * 7 pm
Fruitdale Grange
1440 Parkdale Drive

Program: Carolyn Strunge – Russian Toys and the process of new AKC breed acceptance
Open to the Public!

************** February 2019 ***************
Rogue Valley Kennel Club Speaks





************** January 2019 ***************
Rogue Valley Kennel Club Speaks

Winter Dog Care

Winter has descended on the Rogue Valley. Cold temperatures and increased rainfall can have impacts on our dogs. Common sense precautions will help keep pets healthy and happy during winter months.

Outdoor dogs can be best maintained with doghouses or shelter raised off the ground. Plenty of dry, warm bedding should be changed regularly. Raising the floor allows air circulation, reducing the discomfort of dampness and cold in the sleeping quarters.

Dogs who live outside full time also need increased food intake to maintain body weight. Plenty of fresh water, replaced daily, will keep them hydrated.

Indoor pets might find the weather restrictions on their activities frustrating. Replacing outdoor activity with mental stimulation can help both owner and pet thrive during the long grey days of winter.

Brain games can include hiding food in specially designed toys for the dog to work through the process of finding each kibble. Training the dog for a new trick, like roll over, using treats, will add entertainment as well as strengthen the bonds of companionship.


Snug in bed!






RVKC’s General Meeting
Wednesday, Jan. 9th at 7 pm
Fruitdale Grange
1440 Parkdale Drive
Program: Planning the Year’s Events
Open to the Public!