RVKC Club Membership
Donna (Didi) Reyes, Membership Chair
Membership is open to all persons who are in good standing with The American Kennel Club and who subscribe to the purposes of this Club.
Four types of membership are available:
Regular Membership
Regular Membership shall be open to any individual eighteen (18) years of age or older. Each regular member shall be entitled to one (1) vote in Club affairs.
Household Membership
Household Membership shall be open only to two persons residing in the same household. Each of these members will have one (1) vote in Club affairs.
Associate Membership
Associate Membership shall be open to any individual eighteen (18) years and over who is unable to participate at meetings or other Club functions. An Associate member shall have no voting privileges and shall be ineligible for any awards. Associate members shall not be counted in determining quorum and shall not have petition right.
Junior Membership
Junior Membership shall be open to persons eight (8) through seventeen (17) years of age. Junior members are non-voting members. Junior members may not serve as an elected officer nor serve on the nominating committee, but may serve on general committees. Junior members are not counted as part of the quorum, nor have petition rights. Junior members shall be eligible for annual awards offered by the Club.
Regular Membership $20.00
Household Membership $25.00
Associate Membership $15.00
Junior Membership $5.00
The Membership Application and Election to membership process:
1) First, attend at least one meeting.
2) When you decide that you would like to join the Club, submit dues and your application with the signatures of two sponsors who are current members in good standing. A copy of the Constitution and Bylaws will accompany the application or will be obtained from the Club website. Applicant will have to agree to abide by the Rogue Valley Kennel Club Constitution & bylaws and the rules of the American Kennel Club. Applications will be filed, along with the current year’s dues, with the Club Secretary. Each Junior applicant shall have the approval of his or her parent or legal guardian.
3) At the following month’s meeting your application will be read to the membership, for the first reading. Your attendance is encouraged but not required.
4) At the next monthly meeting that you attend your application will be read to the membership a second time and a vote will be taken.
If your membership application is not approved within 4 months your dues payment will be returned promptly.
A Junior member who becomes eighteen (18) years of age shall automatically become an individual member. There shall be no additional dues required until the next fiscal year.