Rogue Valley Kennel Club Awards

Whippet silhouette wooden cutout
with awards bars attached

Rogue Valley Kennel Club offers awards to all Regular, Lifetime, and Junior members who are in good standing with RVKC and who were members at the time the Titles were earned.

Associate members are also eligible to receive Club awards but they are not paid for by the Club and may purchase the awards.

Each Regular, Lifetime, and Junior member is entitled to one cutout and two bars at no charge per year. Additional cutouts and bars can be purchased at a cost to be determined by the RVKC Board of Directors.

Complete information in the Standing Rules.


Keeshond silhouette wooden cutout
with awards bars attached

Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever silhouette wooden cutout
with awards bars attached

Staffordshire Bull Terrier silhouette wooden cutout with awards bars attached

Cocker Spaniel silhouette wooden cutout
with awards bars attached

A special custom plaque award will be given to a dog owned (or co-owned) by a member whose dog wins at an AKC-licensed event: Best in Show, Best in Show Specialty, Best in Field, High in Trial Obedience, High Combined Obedience, Owner Handled Best in Show, Best Bred-by Exhibitor, Best Junior Handler.

(one plaque award per year, which will indicate all of the events where the award was won during the year)

(Photos supplied by the dog’s owner)

Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever
silhouette wooden cutout
with awards bars attached

RVKC elects a Member of the Year in recognition of their contributions to the Club during the year.

RVKC elects a member to receive AKC’s Sportsperson of the Year medallion.